Terms of Use Page Added
Hey fans! I just added a Terms of Use page to the Resume Diva Company weebly website. It can viewed by clicking here: https://resumedivacompany.weebly.com/terms-of-use.html If you have any questions or comments about this new page please email me at resumedivacompany@gmail.com Tomorrow I will be adding a Refund Policy page (if it will allow me to and fit) I have over 10 pages on the website now so its getting crowded. I have to figure out how to merge some of the pages information so visitors won't get lost on the site. I hope you all enjoyed your Thanksgiving and I hope to see you on my website on Cyber Monday! (I still to have figure out a great deal for new clients) I will keep you all posted. Regards, Lucinda Kerrigan, CPRW