Hey fans! Our phone number 1-800-934-4698 is still working and our site is up but our new prices are not showing since I couldn't afford the bill for it this month. I am considering getting a small loan. In the meantime, you can still sign up for service by phone, text, Facebook messenger, Skype and email. I check my email multiple times a day. Here is my main email address for Resume Diva Company resumedivacompany@gmail.com My Skype ID address is lkerriganshopper@hotmail.com The hotmail address is mainly for my other part time job. If you need a yearly update and your a former client now is a great time because there is no wait for me to start on your project! Updates are only $10. I can send a PayPal, Shopify or Square invoice to you. All my services are PRE-PAID. Thank you for choosing Resume Diva! Have a great weekend! Warm Regards, Lucinda Kerrigan Professional Resume Writer | CEO