New Website for Books and Stitches

Please click below for our new website for our ecommerce book based business Books and Stitches

I plan on buying a domain from GoDaddy tomorrow for this site. However; we can not afford Wix's ecommerce premium plan so we will have to post our PayPal me link for customers to send us the money for orders directly to us. I will try to still add a PayPal button but not sure if it will work.

The site should be complete within a week. It has taken longer than I expected. Thanks for your patience and for your business! Have a great day!

Kind Regards,
Lucinda Kerrigan
Company Owner

P.S. For reference here is our PayPal link for both Books and Stitches and Resume Diva. We can't get multiple links for one account. This is our original account link.


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