Website Updates and More

Hello everyone! I just wanted to let everyone know I am updating my Weebly website tonight and over the next few days. I have just edited the Welcome page and temoved the external blog site button for our GoDaddy site. The site is still there but I am trying to keep everything relevant on each page. I will post the button for that site on a blog post separately later today.

I also just re-ordered my pages on the site to make things easier for the visitor. I revised the refund policy page. I need to still revise my story page and add a new page (as if there arent enough pages) about my process and a page that shows the client agreement. I just printed out copies at Staples of my client agreement for those who want it. Also printed out a Resume Information sheet for those who dont have a current Resume. I have put together NEW orientation folders for new clients locally that meet up with me.

The updates to this site should be done by Monday. I actually always try to maintain it all by myself. No one helps me design or do it but Lloyd my husband does make suggestions as well as clients. When I notice on my insights from Weebly that visitor count is down; I try to analyze and figure out why and think like a client or visitor and think "outside the box".

If you ever have a website suggestion; please send me an email. I would love your feedback! Thanks for reading my blog post and have a great day!

Kind Regards,

P.S. Here is the link to my Godaddy blog site. I am posting two posts over the next few days.


  1. Not able to post on Godaddy yet. The WiFi has been down. Sorry folks!


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