Resume Diva donates to the Humane Society

Hey fans! As some of you may already know, I am a BIG fan of animals and do whatever I can to support the cause to stop animal neglect and abuse.

Two days ago, I signed up to donate a regular monthly gift to the Humane Society of the United States.

Sorry, I don't have their link in front of me where you can donate to them if you wish but just Google them and it should show up their website.

I was given a link by SMS message and donated that way. I am sure you can Google or Bing their name to get to their main website.

I will try to look it up later tonight and post it on here for all of you. However; I am planning on running errands later and have to finish a Resume so will be busy.

I just wanted to get the word out and let you all know that I support their cause

Talk to you all later. Have a great day!

Kind Regards,
Lucinda Kerrigan, CPRW


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